Welcome to the Retro Computers Wiki (Started Apr 2014)
This Wiki is dedicated to computers from the 1980's and early 90's and my experience of programming them. The ones currently illustrated are from my collection but if you have others please feel free to add a page and a picture and add your own programming or other experiences of these old beasts.
If you do start another computer page please put your signature on it so I know it's not mine!
As this Wiki is not primarily about the hardware, only the basic specification of the machines are given with links to sites where you can get much more detail. However, If I have anything interesting to write, I will.
PS - Some of the pictures are a bit crabby as my photographic skills are sub-optimal; but I will replace the worst ones eventually!
Acorn Computers Sinclair Computers Mobile Computers |
Micro-Professor Tatung Computers Commodore Other |
About Programming
The end for now
Controlling Things
Computers that time forgot that I want
Random snippet
300 DEFPROCiterate[]
301 LOCAL iter%,test[]
310 WHILE iter%<101 AND test<5[]
320 s0= x0*x0 - x1*x1 - x2*x2 - x3*x3 - 0.745[]
330 s1= x0*x1 + x1*x0 + x2*x3 - x3*x2 + 0.113[]
340 s2= x0*x2 - x1*x3 + x2*x0 + x3*x1 + 0.01[]
350 s3= x0*x3 + x1*x2 - x2*x1 + x3*x0 + 0.01[]
360 x0=s0:x1=s1:x2=s2:x3=s3[]
370 test=(x1*x1+x2*x2+x3*x3+x0*x0)[]
380 color%=iter%:iter%=iter%+1[]
Random Old Fact
Kernel = Key Entry Read Network and Link